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臭氧发生器 Ozone Genrater-绿邦臭氧 LBOZONE
(33 个字符)
绿邦臭氧,臭氧发生器,脱硝臭氧发生器,水处理臭氧发生器,中型臭氧发生器,小型臭氧发生器 Ozone Genrater
(59 个字符)
山东绿邦公司是一家出口臭氧发生器业务最多的企业,公司具有25 多年的发展历程,并出席了臭氧发生器国家标准修订会议。生产的大型臭氧发生器在脱硝、水处理、空间消毒、污水处理等领域被广泛应用。
Shandong lvbang company is an enterprise of largest export business of ozone generator, the company has more than 23 years of development, and attended the conference on revision of national standard for ozone generator.
The production of large ozone generator in denitration, water treatment, water disinfection disinfection purification, space, sewage treatment and other fields are widely used.
(493 个字符)