标题(Title) 一般不超过80个字符
Phlogopite Mica, Mica Powder, Wet Ground Mica, Vermiculite, Mica for Rubber Factory China
(89 个字符)
Non-metallic Mineral Products, Mica, Mica Powder, Wet Ground Mica, Mica for Rubber, Dry Ground Mica Powder, Mica for Plastic, Mica for Paint and Coatings, Mica for Construction Industry
(185 个字符)
Huayuan Company is mica powder factory and manufacturer in China, we supply and sales non-metallic mineral products, include: mica, wet ground mica powder, dry ground mica powder, mica for rubber, mica for plastic, mica for paint and coatings, etc.
(248 个字符)