标题(Title) 一般不超过80个字符
Ainuo Instrument - AC&DC Power Supply,Electrical Safety Test Instrument, Automatic Motor and Coil Test System - Ainu...
(123 个字符)
Electrical Safety Test Instrument, Automatic Motor and Coil Test System, AC Power Supply, DC Power Supply ,Power Analyzer, Electronic Load, Ground Power Unit
(157 个字符)
Ainuo Instrument Major products: electrical safety comprehensive analyzer, AC power supply, DC power supply, aircraft ground power unit, comprehensive motor test scheme, power analyzer, AC/DC electronic load, etc., widely used in electrical and electronic manufacturing enterprises such as new energy, electric vehicles, household appliances, motor coils, switching power supplies, and professional fields such as aerospace, ship and railway, national defense equipment and electric power, as well as quality inspection and measurement and scientific research institutes.
(571 个字符)