标题(Title) 一般不超过80个字符
Mr. Kent's Chemistry Regents Help and AP Chemistry Exam Review Pages
(68 个字符)
AP Chemistry, regents chemistry, chemistry help, Regents review, regents exams, Regents Chemistry Exam, Regents Chemistry, regents exams chemistry, chemistry help, chemistry review, Regents Chemistry Exam, Chemistry regents, Chemistry,College, Regents Review, Regents Help, chemitsry, chemsitry, Chemical Demonstration, AP, High School, Regents, Kent, , Advanced Level Chemistry, chemistry labs, College Board AP Chemistry, IB chemistry, College Board, Chemistry Notes, Chemistry Labs, Chemistry Worksheets, Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement Chemistry, AP Chemistry answers, regents answers
(598 个字符)
Kentchemistry.com is the premiere chemistry education website on the internet for college and high school students. The sites main purpose is to simplify chemistry, so every student can succeed. The website contains topic links with walkthrough tutorial videos, chemical demonstration videos, a library of New York State Chemistry Regents Exams with the questions explained, various chemistry videos, a compilation of chemistry lab experiments for chemistry teachers and many other interesting items. </head> <body bgcolor=
(534 个字符)