标题(Title) 一般不超过80个字符
(23 个字符)
IKF, Imperial Klingon Forces, Klingon, costumes, tlhIngan, tlhIngan Hol, Klingon Fan Club, Klingon Club, Klingons, Organization, Fun, betleH, fighting, IKF, Star Trek, Star, Trek, Trekkies 2, Trekkies, Klingon Swords,Quartermaster, IKV, Costume, Makeup Creation, Acting, Improv, Skill development, Prop Making, Language, Culture Immersion, Parties, Conventions, Gatherings, Role Play,Gaming, On-Line, Physical, Communities, Camaraderie, Swordplay Lessons, Demonstrations,Tournaments
(482 个字符)
IKF is a Star Trek fan organization devoted to the portrayal of the Klingon Culture in a fun and exciting way. We have NO DUES! Nada, zip, zilch, zero! 'Why should one pay for a birthright!' Join us today!
(205 个字符)