标题(Title) 一般不超过80个字符
Biggles the designer: maker of 3D illustration, graphics and design
(67 个字符)
3 dimensional,art, advertising, artist, automata,bespoke,Biggles, British,customise,site design, customize, commission,3D illustration, design, designer, graphic, graphics, graphic design, graphic designer,UK,ideas,illustrator,illustration,interior,3D, invention, one of a kind, site designer, publishing,packaging, promotions, product design,publishing,sculptor, sculpture,three dimensional,hand made,commercial illustration,the art of illustration,artistic,creative, creative director,commissioned, consultant, craft, crafts, craftsman, exhibition, three dimensional, the art of illustration, gifts, typographic, typographer, typography, handmade, idea,inventor,machines, marketing,montage, one off,product, quality, special effects,unusual,unique, visual effects, custom, art director
(787 个字符)
Biggles artist and graphic designer who makes unusual one of a kinds for advertising, 3D illustration, interiors and private clients.
(133 个字符)